/* toto je JS zdrojak ktory najprv prechadza cez php a preklada texty do premennych, ktore sa potom pouziju vsade vo vsetkych JS zdrojakoch, kde je treba preklad */ /* je rozdeleny podla JS suborov, v ktorych sa pouziva!!! nie podla stranok, v pripade, ze je pre nejaku cast zdrojaka velka skupina prekladu, moze sa este zdoraznit samostatnym delenim */ /************** ajax.js **************/ var Ajax = new Object(); /* ajax_odkazAvailable */ Ajax.AjaxOdkazAvailable = new Object(); Ajax.AjaxOdkazAvailable.linkAvailableMsg = "Chosen address of Memorial Website is available"; Ajax.AjaxOdkazAvailable.linkNotAvailableMsg = "Chosen address of Memorial Website is not available"; Ajax.AjaxOdkazAvailable.linkMinimumLengthMsg = "Minimum length of address is 3 characters"; Ajax.AjaxOdkazAvailable.linkUnableResolveMsg = "Could not resolve availability of address"; Ajax.AjaxOdkazAvailable.terms = "Please read/accept terms to create memorial website."; Ajax.JS_Ajax_album_notempty = "Album name can not be empty."; Ajax.JS_Ajax_album_exists = "Album with this name already exists, please choose different name."; Ajax.JS_Ajax_album_incorrect = "Incorrect album name, please change it."; Ajax.JS_Ajax_album_notcreated = "Album has not been created, please try to change it's name."; Ajax.JS_Ajax_album_created = "Album has been successfully created."; Ajax.JS_Ajax_page_empty = "Page name can not be empty or longer then 40 characters!"; Ajax.JS_Ajax_page_editpage = "Would you like to edit new page now?"; Ajax.JS_Ajax_page_delete = "Are you sure you want to delete this Page (It cannot be restored after removed)?"; Ajax.JS_Ajax_style_incorrect = "Custom style's name can not be empty or longer then 40 characters!"; Ajax.JS_Ajax_style_edit = "Would you like to edit new style?"; Ajax.JS_Ajax_style_delete = "Are you sure you want to delete this Style (It cannot be restored after removed)?"; Ajax.JS_Ajax_song_delete = "Are you sure you want to delete this Song from website (It cannot be restored after removed)?"; Ajax.JS_Ajax_falling_delete = "Are you sure you want to delete this falling object from website (It cannot be restored after removed)?"; Ajax.JS_Ajax_back_delete = "Are you sure you want to delete this background image from website (It cannot be restored after removed)?"; Ajax.JS_spominame_titulok = "Please enter Title!"; Ajax.JS_spominame_email = "Please enter a valid email address!"; Ajax.JS_spominame_passmin = "Please enter Password! Min 6 char."; Ajax.JS_spominame_wpass = "Wrong Password!"; Ajax.JS_spominame_lastname = "Please enter Last name!"; Ajax.JS_spominame_firstname = "Please enter First name!"; Ajax.JS_spominame_websitename = "Please enter Name for website!"; Ajax.JS_spominame_incorrect_website = "Incorrect Name for website. Only [a]-[z], [A]-[Z], [0]-[9] characters and [-]. Min 3 char."; Ajax.JS_spominame_name = "Please enter Name!"; Ajax.JS_emails_text1 = "No valid email address given or all fields are empty"; Ajax.JS_spominame_main_photo = "Incorrect file format in MAIN PHOTO, Windows Bitmap type of file (.bmp extension) is not allowed, please choose another image type (.jpg, .gif, .png)"; Ajax.JS_setup_bannIP = "Are you sure you want to use Ban IP address?"; Ajax.JS_setup_requestbook = "Your Request has been send"; Ajax.JS_spominame_dateofdeath = "Please enter date of death!"; Ajax.JS_spominame_activation = "Activation... Please wait"; Ajax.JS_search_lastname = "last name"; Ajax.JS_tooltip_invalidemail = "Invalid email address"; Ajax.JS_tooltip_required = "This field is required"; Ajax.JS_tooltip_required_select = "Please select an option"; Ajax.JS_tooltip_required_checkbox = "This checkbox is required"; Ajax.JS_tooltip_minchars1 = "Between "; Ajax.JS_tooltip_minchars2 = " and "; Ajax.JS_tooltip_minchars3 = " characters allowed"; Ajax.JS_tooltip_maxCheckbox = "Checks allowed Exceeded"; Ajax.JS_tooltip_minCheckbox1 = "Please select "; Ajax.JS_tooltip_minCheckbox2 = " options"; Ajax.JS_tooltip_confirm = "Your field is not matching"; Ajax.JS_tooltip_phone = "Invalid phone number"; Ajax.JS_tooltip_date = "Invalid date, must be in YYYY-MM-DD format"; Ajax.JS_tooltip_numbers = "Numbers only"; Ajax.JS_tooltip_noSpecialCaracters = "No special caracters allowed"; Ajax.JS_tooltip_ajaxUser = "This user exists.
Please fill your password!"; Ajax.JS_tooltip_loading = "Loading, please wait"; Ajax.JS_tooltip_ajaxUserNotExists = "This user does't exists"; Ajax.JS_tooltip_ajaxNameError = "User with this email already exists"; Ajax.JS_tooltip_ajaxName = "This email is available"; Ajax.JS_tooltip_onlyLetter = "Letters only"; Ajax.JS_tooltip_odkazCheck = "Invalid format of Web address"; Ajax.JS_title_modalRegistration = "Create Free Account"; Ajax.JS_title_modalLogin = "Login"; Ajax.JS_subwebsite_modal_send = "Send"; Ajax.JS_subwebsite_modal_cancel = "Cancel"; Ajax.Master_Emails = "Send emails to friends about this website"; Ajax.Master_Register = "Register for updates on this website"; Ajax.JS_subwebsite_added_memorial = "Memorial Website added to your Memorial List"; Ajax.JS_subwebsite_notadded_memorial = "Unable to add Memorial Website, try again"; Ajax.JS_subwebsite_added_friendRequest = "Request for adding friend was sent"; Ajax.JS_subwebsite_notadded_friendRequest = "Request for adding friend was not sent, try again"; Ajax.JS_common_modal_create = "Create Now"; Ajax.JS_common_modal_cancel = "Cancel"; Ajax.JS_common_modal_login = "Login"; Ajax.JS_common_modal_send_messages = "Send Message"; Ajax.JS_last_modal_removemessage_title = "Remove message"; Ajax.JS_last_modal_removemessage_text = "Delete Message?"; Ajax.JS_last_modal_removemessage_delete = "Delete"; Ajax.JS_last_modal_cancel = "Cancel"; Ajax.JS_global_notification = "Notification"; Ajax.JS_common_modal_message = "Message"; Ajax.JS_last_modal_reply = "Reply"; Ajax.JS_last_modal_ok = "Ok"; Ajax.JS_last_modal_error = "Error"; Ajax.JS_common_modal_notyourmessage = "Not your message!"; Ajax.JS_sending_image = "Sending pictures"; Ajax.JS_sending_message = "Sending..."; Ajax.JS_spominame_message = "Please enter Message!"; /* END ajax_odkazAvailable */